Dear Rebel,
Hi, we're Brandi and Cara. We both struggled with eating disorders and negative body image that impacted every area of our lives. Neither of us knew that our challenges with food and body image would lead us to massive awakenings that would shape the rest of our lives and careers.
After embarking on our own healing journeys, going through years of personal development training, and educating ourselves extensively on the toxic nature of Diet Culture, we both felt a strong soul-pull to take what we had learned and used it to help others overcome the very struggles we both faced.
And together we have helped thousands of people who struggle with disordered eating, fear of food, body shame, and insecurity. Best of all, we’ve gotten to do it on our own terms and in our own way. And we've been able to financially support ourselves fully while doing so.
We’ve published multiple books, lead individual and group coaching programs, hosted all-inclusive retreats and live events, owned multiple businesses, started podcasts, blogs, and grown social media followings. All with intention, integrity, and commitment to being the change we want to see in the world.
Since our mission is to help as many people as possible, we decided to start the Embodied Rebel Academy to train other heart-centered entrepreneurs & activists—just like you!—to become expert-level coaches and build a financially sustainable, conscious coaching business that you love.
If you are a passionate individual who knows you are here to make an impact, and you want to learn how to embody the principles that lead to lasting transformation in the lives of others, then you are in the right place.
Brandi + Cara

The ERA is for female leaders who want to be conduits for social change and are ready to build or grow sustainable coaching businesses that make an impact!
This is a 6-month long intensive training program that will teach you our signature process that has helped thousands of women end the fight with food and their bodies so they can show up more powerfully in every area of their lives.
We will equip you with the skills, tools, confidence, and strategies necessary to be a more effective leader, change maker, and coach.
You will leave this program with the ability to facilitate a life-changing transformation for your clients.
This academy will also guide you step-by-step in consciously creating a thriving coaching practice. You will learn how to attract your ideal clients with a strong personal brand and content, and learn how to charge what you are worth and sell your services with ease.
em·bod·ied reb·el
/É™mˈbädÄ“d ˈrebÉ™l/
Through our healing journeys, we both individually experienced a massive wake-up in which we realized that the way we felt and thought about food & our bodies wasn’t personal.
It was political.
We realized that our body shame, fear, and insecurity was actually feeding the machinery of the very systems that oppressed us.
We realized that true healing entailed gaining a deeper understanding of HOW individuals internalize societal oppression, HOW dieting pretends to be about wellness but is really just a political sedative for women, HOW the beauty myth convinces us that being a sex object is empowering when it’s really just keeping the patriarchy in place and HOW fatphobia is really just plain old discrimination but pretends to be about public health.
Being an Embodied Rebel means you have fully integrated the truth that has been covered up by these systematic lies.
The ERA will teach everything you need to know so you can stand in your power and stand up to injustice
This portion of the curriculum focuses on your personal journey with food and body. You will be supported in owning your story and developing confidence in your ability to turn your unique experiences into something that helps and inspires others.
During this term, you will learn everything you need to know about the toxic cultural programming that is designed to make us hate our bodies, struggle with food and then profit off our shame. This education will profoundly change your life and equip you to be an activist for change!
In this term, you will learn a proven system and methodology on how to coach your clients to lasting food freedom and liberation from body shame. You will learn how to help your clients rid themselves of their harmful social conditioning and remember how to listen to their bodies. You will learn how to guide them through inner child work, shadow work, belief restructuring, emotional healing and mindset + habit shifts.
By the end of this term, you will be able to teach others how to go from…
Body hatred to body reverence
Fear of their hunger to trust in their body’s wisdom
Anxiety around food to freedom around food
A dieting mentality to a health mentality
Food obsession to food being no big deal
Shame to confidence
Exercising as punishment to exercise as nourishment
Being at the effect of harmful social norms to helping change harmful social norms
This portion of the curriculum is all about cultivating confidence to share your message online, create your unique coaching style and learn the tools and strategies to create, launch and sell your services.
By the end of this term, you will have gone from…
Fear to share your message to confidence in your message
Stuck around how to start to step by step guidance
No clients to how to attract ideal clients
Barely making money to charging what you’re worth
No product or service to sell to high-value offers
Scared to sell to empowered to sell
Lackluster content to content that connects
Insecure in your ability to embodied in your ability
This portion of the program is designed to powerfully set you up to officially step out into the world as an entrepreneur. During this integration period we will support you in the embodiment of your mission for your purpose-driven coaching business.

You’ll be able to host intimate transformational retreats anywhere in the world that you choose. These in-person experiences is an opportunity to complete disconnect from the outside world and provide a safe space for your clients to connect more to themselves and to other’s on a similar healing journey.

Being a part of a group program is incredibly powerful, which you will experience if you join The ERA. You’ll be able to use your experience and education from the academy to host your own group programs and help to transform the lives of others. Working with many women at a time allows you to scale your business and make more money.

You’ll be able to grow and scale a profitable business of coaching 1-1 clients. You will have designed your unique, high-ticket coaching packages and offerings and you will have clients lining up to work with you and get a taste of the inner peace and freedom that you have to offer.

You’ll be able to host in-person and online workshops and events. These experiences allow you to showcase your skills and abilities leading to more clients, more opportunities, and of course a greater impact on the lives of others.

“Going into The ERA I thought I would learn about how to become a food freedom and body image coach, which I did. And I also learned so so so much more. I learned how to create deep bonds with women. I learned how to get out of my own way, believe in myself, and take action towards my dreams. I discovered areas in which I still needed to heal, and Brandi and Cara helped me get to a place where I was healed so that I had the capacity to help other people. I learned valuable tools to help women struggling with their relationship with food and body. I learned the ins and outs of how to run a successful business and the skills vital to owning your own business and getting your name out there. This program challenged me. It took me out of my comfort zone and into intense, fierce growth.I never would have imagined the breakthroughs I had in just a few months. I literally didn’t think it was possible.”
- Anna W.
24 - Group coaching calls (lasting 2-3 hours so everyone has a chance to get coaching)
8 - 1:1 Hour-long Deep Dive Sessions (4 with Brandilyn, 4 with Cara)
7 live workshops with guest experts
Lifetime access to Embodied Rebel online course
Private What's App chat
Sisterhood and community
AND: Step-by-step guidance on how to consciously create a thriving coaching practice.
An opportunity to practice and hone your coaching skills that will build your confidence

You can have an amazing career that you love and makes the world a better place.
We believe that the only way to be authentic, relatable and empathetic as a coach is to continually invest in one’s own personal growth. That is why we are constantly participating in transformational work. We are always not only coaching, but also getting coached. We are always not only training, but getting trained in new modalities. We understand that the most effective way to serve others is to lead by example, and the only way to truly relate to the intensity that our clients experience during their self-discovery is to continually examine ourselves.
We also believe that the only way to be in integrity as coaches who coach other coaches on building successful businesses is to have already done so ourselves. So not to toot our own horns, but rather to assure you that you are in good hands, here is an overview of what we each have accomplished thus far on our journey as coaches and entrepreneurs.
Transformational Coach, Author, and Spiritual Teacher
I am a transformational coach who helps people create inspiring, heart-centered lives. I teach how to no longer be at the effect of the past, thoughts, emotions or circumstances and start being the architect of one's own reality. I specialize in inner child work and teaching people how to befriend every part of themselves. My gift is that I am able to see beyond people's constructed identity into the heart of whom they truly want to be, and guide them there.
I am trained in a variety of modalities, including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Nonviolent Communication, Landmark, The Work of Byron Katie, Somatic Healing and Authentic Relation Training. I love my job! I have been a self-employed, world-traveling coach for the better part of 5 years. During that time, I have worked 1-1 with over 200 individuals. I also founded a transformational retreats company called The Shift Retreats, through which I have now led 20 retreats and put 260 participants through a rigorous 4 day curriculum. I have created and hosted a weekend-long seminar for 111 women called The Yes Event. I have hosted a year-long incubator for changemakers called Root and Rise, published a book called “The Achievement Trap: The People-Pleaser, Perfectionist and Over-Achiever’s Guide to Freedom and True Success” and published over 50 articles and have been featured in 4 magazines. I have led transformational workshops in prisons, high schools, colleges and fortune 500 companies.
I’m spiritual and an animal + environmental activist. I love to sing, juice, rap, water skii, bike ride, do yoga, and dance crazy. I’ve been to 22 countries.
Health Coach, Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Entrepreneur
I have been self-employed as an entrepreneur for over 4 years. My first business venture was buying a struggling restaurant in Arizona. After rebranding and redesigning the menu I increased sales by 50% within 6 months, and then successfully sold the business to move back to California (I missed the avocados, obviously!). Shortly thereafter I found health coaching and have been coaching full-time for over 3 years.
In that time I have published 2 books, Body Wisdom and Vegan Buddha Bowls, launched a podcast called Love Your Bod Pod, led 7 group coaching programs, hosted one all-inclusive retreat, and have worked with over 70 individual 1:1 clients and 40 group program clients, guiding them on how to heal their relationship with food & body image. Health coaching has also been my most lucrative venture yet, having made over $7k in one day and multiple 5-figure-months as high as $16k, $18k, and even $30k a month.
I am truly excited to now teach other high-achieving, driven women how to create businesses that change lives while elevating their lifestyles!
I am avocado obsessed, love living in Los Angeles, and am one of those annoying Disneyland addicts! When I am not working you will find me cooking, eating, singing, dancing, and hanging with my friends.
The ERA also includes LIVE workshops with other leading experts to further strengthen your skills and expertise as a coach and business owner!
Transformational Therapist & Speaker
Term 3: Transformation Coaching Mastery
Isabelle is a sought-after expert in several fields including Eating Disorders, Body Image, Stress Management, & Spirituality. She has changed the lives of hundreds of clients with her Body Beloved work. This work was birthed from Isabelle's own struggle with a severe eating disorder as well as years of working with eating disorder clients. She believes that the path to true healing occurs when we create an intimate and loving relationship with our body. Isabelle has also created The Feel Good Life Methodology, which utilizes the power of science and spirituality to help people recover the power of choice and live a life of less stress and more joy.
Healing Through Deep Respect For Your Body
Professor at Occidental College
Term 2: Diet Culture Deep Dive
Dr. Heldman is a Professor of Politics at Occidental College in Los Angeles and the research director for the Geena Davis Institute for Gender in Media. Her research specializes in media, the presidency, and systems of power (race, class, gender). She has written 5 books. She has been active in “real world” politics as a professional pollster, campaign manager, and commentator for CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, and CNBC. She has also been featured in popular documentaries, including Missrepresentation, The Mask You Live In, The Hunting Ground, Informant, Equal Means Equal, and Liberated. Dr. Heldman was one of many women who went public with allegations of gender discrimination against Bill O’Reilly that led to his firing from Fox News.
The Political & Societal Nature of Food & Body Issues
Fat Activist and Influencer
Term 2: Diet Culture Deep Dive
Dani Adriana is a 26 year old fat activist from Far North Queensland, Australia. Her content online to include magical things like fat activism, self care, and body positivity. She also aims to spread awareness about the overly stigmatised world of mental illness specifically eating disorders and anxiety. Being in a fat Marginalized body, Dani is an expert on the stigma and discrimination that fat people face everyday. She advocate for Fat Rights, Size Justice and how obsessing about our weight is more harmful to our health than fat ever will be.
Weight Stigma, Discrimination and Fat Activism
Certified Trauma Professional
Term 3: Transformational Coaching Mastery
Iris McAlpin is a certified trauma coach and NARM® Practitioner specializing in self-sabotage, eating disorder recovery and complex trauma. After struggling with severe bulimia, C-PTSD and depression for over a decade, Iris became determined to understand what was truly at the root of her symptoms. It turned out the answer was trauma. She now spends her life helping others overcome similar struggles through trauma-informed education and coaching, in both group and private settings. Iris is also passionate about eradicating the stigma associated with mental illness, and uses social media to openly share her story.
Trauma-Informed Care
Founder of Recovery Warriors
Term 4: Conscious Business Creation
Jessica Flint is a modern muse of hope and healing. As the founder of Recovery Warriors and CEO of True Warrior, she has reached nearly 1 M people in 184 countries. Forbes recognized her work as a technology innovating mental health and has been featured in Shape, Self, Redbook and Psychology Today. As a sensitive and intuitive woman with a painful past, she has become a popular speaker and teacher in the areas of self-compassion, resilience, and personal narratives.
Passion-Driven & Recovery Focused Business
Breathwork Facilitator
Term 3: Transformational Coaching Mastery
Carolene Joy Cabrera King is a breath-work healing facilitator based out of Escondido, California. She is a poet, a playwright, an educator, and activist committed to envisioning and building toward a world of true social justice, free from the bonds of sexism and racism. She spends a lot of her time meditating on and inviting into our reality a truly liberated world, where every single person embodies their full, complete, authentic self. While she is a perpetual student, always seeking to learn and discover more ways to love herself, her community, and her world more deeply, the natural world is her favorite classroom: the whisper of the trees, the song of the breeze, the deep poetry of silence in the woods and the beautiful lessons that come from standing in midst of crashing ocean waves.
Healing Through The Breath
Racial Healer & Coach
Term 2: Diet Culture Deep Dive
Nyasha is a clear channel for higher-dimensional consciousness who offers her energy in service to the multidimensional manifestation of unconditional love on Earth. Together with her partner Reuben, Nyasha is the energy behind The Ascension Seed - a shared vessel for transmitting high frequency healing in service to collective liberation from all forms of separation. Recently they have been channelling their energy into collective racial healing for all humans, offering deep and lovingly held containers for racial shadow work to expand consciousness around racism and heal from race-based harm. Nyasha's intention in her work around race is to bridge higher spiritual perspectives with the work of dismantling racism in this dimension to support humanity in entering into a frequency of embodied unity.
Racism and Body Image

Have you always known you were meant for something more? Do you feel like you are here to really make a difference in the world and change lives? Have you always had that desire to start something just for yourself? It can be really scary to decide that you are ready to chase a dream and start a business, but if you are anything like us, you feel it in your soul.
And if you are reading this now, you are here to do BIG SHIT!!
The next step in this process if to fill out the application form with the link below. Our intention with this application is to understand your vision as well as get to know you more. It is really important to us both that you feel excitement and alignment about the ERA.
So take a moment and check-in…, is your SOUL pulling you forward and your body telling you YES? If so...
If you are reading this….. Then you have a strong desire to help others, you are here for a reason, following the calling to do something more. There is an inner-knowing that you are not meant to have to struggle for your worth or always feel like you are just surviving.
You are a healer, lightworker, and a loving-leader, and you are meant for a life that lights your soul on fire! You are a high-achieving woman here to do BIG SHIT in the world.
You are here to change the paradigm!
Imagine a world in which:
We no longer feel insecure about our bodies.
Food is easy, fun, and no big deal for everyone.
Everyone feels connected to themselves, their bodies, and their communities.
Everyone trusts and honors their hunger cues.
Everyone owns their unique size and shape and feels zero pressure to conform to some arbitrary beauty standard.
Everyone has the tools to be able to successfully manage their thoughts, judgments, and emotions.
Everyone engages in health-promoting behaviors to nourish (rather than punish) themselves“Diet” is no longer a word in our vocabulary.
The daily hustle and struggle is replaced with flow and ease
This isn’t some make-believe fantasy, this can in fact be our reality!
Ready to help us challenge and change the status quo?
The training in this academy will provide you with everything you need to be an effective food & body coach with a thriving heart-centered business. You might be worried that you don’t have what it takes or that the market is too saturated with coaches, but just take a look at these statistics to see how needed your gifts truly are:
• 91% Body dissatisfaction
• 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies and resort to dieting, which doesn’t work, and contributes to the development of disordered eating and eating disorders.
• 25% Dieting is the gateway
• 1 in 4 dieters goes on to develop disordered eating or an eating disorder.
• 10% Said they need help
• Approximately 25% of American women struggle with either an eating disorder or disordered eating but only 10% seek professional help
There are millions of people who are caught up in dieting, disordered eating and hating their bodies. By becoming an Embodied Rebel you will have the confidence, tools & strategies to help others discover the root causes and societal influences that have lead to their struggles with food & body in the first place. You will learn how to guide someone caught up in using food as a coping mechanism and programmed to hate her body, into someone who is confident around food, rebels against society’s expectations of their bodies and feel’s empowered in their life.
You can have a fulfilling business that you love
and that elevates and impacts the world!
This program does not just treat body image and food issues as a personal problem.
We do a deep dive into the historical, societal and political nature of why so many struggle with food & body. There are very real reasons in our culture that make so many women feel ashamed and trapped in their bodies.
This knowledge is necessary for real healing and real rebelling to occur.
We do not just coach you on how to coach your clients, we also coach you on how to build or expand your coaching business and platform of influence! It includes comprehensive training on how to start or grow a business: includes mindset, energetics and strategy.
This program emphasizes deep internal and emotional work for you and for your clients.
It is very likely that you will leave this program with 1 or several new soul-sisters and business-besties.
Ready to take the leap and follow the soul-pull?
Anna's Story
“Although I was nervous to take the leap in joining the Embodied Rebel Academy, I have no regrets and it is honestly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”
Join the ERA. Although I was nervous to take the leap in joining the Embodied Rebel Academy, I have no regrets and it is honestly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Going into it I thought I would learn about how to become a food freedom and body image coach, which I did. And I also learned so so so much more.
I learned how to create deep bonds with women. I learned how to get out of my own way, believe in myself, and take action towards my dreams. I discovered areas in which I still needed to heal, and Brandi and Cara helped me get to a place where I was healed so that I had the capacity to help other people. I learned valuable tools to help women struggling with their relationship with food and body. I learned the ins and outs of how to run a successful business and the skills vital to owning your own business and getting your name out there.
This course challenged me. It took me out of my comfort zone and into intense, fierce growth. I never would have imagined the breakthroughs I had in just 4 months. I literally didn’t think it was possible.
There is no question Cara and Brandi have their heart and soul in this program, and in this field of work in general. You will walk away from this program feeling ready to take on diet culture head on while guiding others along the way.This course is invaluable. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Thank you Brandi and Cara for providing such a quality, priceless
- Anna W.
Dana's Story
“I went from working with 1 paying client to 5 (during the program), and my content has been getting a ridiculous amount of positive feedback. Posting is much easier and more consistent because I have the education to back up my online presence.”
Before I joined the ERA I had little to no understanding of how diet culture, fat phobia, colonialism, and capitalism negatively influenced the way I saw myself and others. Now I know that my body image issues have been influenced, cultivated, and dictated by sooo many more external factors than I realized; which totally blew my mind and changed the way I looked at myself for the better. I’ve gained clarity around what was contributing to my personal body image issues and biases, which was key to helping find so much peace within myself while enhancing the relationships I have to those around me. This newfound understanding has not only made me a better person, but a better (and much more qualified) coach.
This program offered so many incredible, fresh, new perspectives on both of these areas in my life which created true transformation in my own way of being. I will never be the same (in the best way) I also gained more confidence in the way I show up for my clients. The knowledge shared throughout each and every module increased my ability to provide impact and guidance for others. I feel so much more confident in my capacity to help others heal their relationships around eating and exercise.
The veil has been lifted in many ways! I am no longer at the mercy of our culture's dominant narratives which has reduced so much suffering in my own life. I can love myself and others on a deeper level because I can see past appearances and body sizes. I no longer buy into dieting or “before” and “after” pics. Instead, I am inspired to rebel against toxic beauty standards and stand for freedom around food and intuitive movement. It’s pretty liberating to say the least!
This benefited my coaching business so much, it’s hard to even know where to begin. The insight into Cara and Brandi’s personal and professional business was invaluable. Hearing all of the wisdom they’ve gained throughout both their recovery and business building journeys was incredibly helpful. It was so valuable having their guidance and support as I stepped into a new level within myself and my business, I don’t know where I’d be without their impact in my life. Also, the tools and methodologies shared throughout this program helped me expand my skill set and my ability to work with more clients on a deeper level.
It was totally worth the investment and then some! And I would absolutely make the investment again. Time Cara and Brandi is time well spent, and money well spent too!
- Dana D.