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You've likely heard of cannabinoid oil over the last couple of years as Maraijuana, but CBD specifically have been acknowledged for its medical applications by mainstream sources.

If you aren't familiar then I am so excited for you to read this but first let me start out by saying it is not the same thing as the pot or weed that you typically hear of and this post isn't about getting high.

Much of the scientific and clinical research that is sponsored by the US government downplays CBD’s potential as a treatment for a wide range of conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, MS, chronic pain, schizophrenia, PTSD, depression, antibiotic-resistant infections, epilepsy, and other neurological disorders.

This is part of the corruption and control by large pharmaceutical companies in this country that want to keep us sick and on their drugs.

So why am I so into it?

Each day we are exposed to hundreds of toxins, known as free radicals.

Exposure comes from the polluted air we breath, the food and beverages we consume, and the products we use on our body or around the house. No matter how healthy you are these toxins contribute to aging, both mentally and physically, by constantly damaging your cells and neurons.

This increases your susceptability to premature aging, stress, and disease.

Cannabinoids, like CBD, are naturally occuring antioxidants and nueroprotectants found in Industrial Hemp, which is what its being called..

Yes- there are antioxidants in that stuff and they are very beneficial for our bodies.


Some History

Although humans have been growing and smoking marijuana for thousands of years it wasn't until the early 1960's that we really started to discover the plant from a scientific POV.

Raphael Mechoulam, an Israeli researcher, isolated two chemical compounds. tetrahydrocannabinol, better known as TCH and cannabidiol, or CBD. Since then he's conducted grown breaking research on the effects is has on our brains.

Back in 2013 Dr. Sunjay Gupta, CNN's multiple Emmy Award-winning chief medical correspondent, publically denounced his stance on the plant, saying he was very truly wrong about its medical applications and shared his discovery in a CNN documentary titled WEED which has a strong focus on the efficacy of CBD and weed for a variety of ailments.

Many of which doctor perscribed pharmaceuticals were providing very little ease for. Let alone in a natural and safe way without a slew of unwanted side effects. This includes epileptic seizure, slowing or reversing cancer cell growth and decreasing anxiety symptoms.

Fast forward to present day and you can get a hot chocolate infused with CBD at a trendy cafe in Brooklyn, New York. Or a CBD infused cocktail at Gracias Madres, pictured above, in Los Angeles. I'm not kidding.

I LOVE this CBD shot (pictured above) from Cafe Gratitude that is great for anxiety and stress.

It's the main reason I use it.

It's natural, non-addictive and non-toxic. All wins in my play book.


We are yet again being woken up to the powerful and very real benefits of the plant kingdom.

But What The Heck is the Stuff?

Here are 3 widely agreed upon facts about CBD.

What is CBD?

  1. CBD is a key ingredient in cannabis/hemp/marijuana

CBD is one of over 60 compounds found in cannabis that belong to a class of molecules called cannabinoids, aka antioxidants, believed to be healthy nutrients and nueroprotectants. Because CBD and THC are usually found in the highest concentrations of the compounds, they're the most recognized and studied. Levels of each vary from plant to plant but like any crop that is cultivated, growers have used selective breeding techniques to create varities with high levels of CBD and little to no THC. These strains are rare but have become more popular in recent years. So popular that Mind Body Green is talking about it too.

2. CBD is non-psychoactive

CBD, unlike TCH does not alter your mental state, yet has been found to improve brain function. How cool is that? This gives CBD significant advantages as a medicine since it does not act on the same pathways as THC in the brain.

3. CBD has a wide range of medical benefits

Studies have shown that CBD oil can reduce anxiety, depression, mild pain and promote better sleep. Its been found to help slow cancer cell growth and reduce seizers in those suffering with epilepsy. Its a natural way to balance the bodies response to outside stressors too, similar to other well known herbs and plants like ashwaganda or reishi mushrooms.

So is it LEGAL?


Thanks to the United States Farm Bill of 2014 which classified industrial hemp as containing less than 0.3% THC on a dry-weight basis, CBD oil extracted from hemp is legal in all 50 states.

Thanks to documentaries like WEED and companies like Charlottes Web you can now easily buy it through the internet and have it shipped directly to your door and put into your smoothies, teas, tonics, soups or water.

If you are looking for something interesting to watch then watch the WEED documentary I linked to above. If you are a skeptic it will 100% change your mind. I promise.

Its also been regularly used with pets. Canna Pet, a well known hemp CBD product for cats and dogs is used to help bring dogs back to life so to speak. It has been found to support a variety of physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, nausea, mood, memory, and inflammation.

We used to give it to our dog Lacy in the last couple years of her life. She literally was back to being herself after having some. More lively, wagging her tail, moving around. It really improved her quality of life. Also Lauryn from The Skinny Confidential has given it to her dog Pixy too.

How To Use It

Here at Caras Kitchen, I have a very strong plant-based ethos and an openminded-ness when it comes to the life saving, mood altering effects plants and herbs can have on the body (physically and mentally). This is includes things like Ashwahanda, L-theanine, Passion Flower and CBD.

So when I started to hear and read about the positive effects that CBD, a plant derived compound could have I was intrigued and wanted to give it a try.

I am no stranger to ANXIETY and STRESS so the fact that it could naturally help with that was exciting to me. I take it as needed, not on a regular basis. So if I am having a particularly stressfull day or experiencing anxiety

I'll drop some oil in my tea or coffee or pop over to Erehwon or Cafe Gratitude to get a drink with it.

Its effects for me are very subtle, beneath the surface so to speak. I know I feel more calm when I take it and it helps ease the symptoms if I am having them at that moment. Basically it makes me feel like a chilled out version of my crazy Aries type-A self.

The positive effects it can have on slowing the aging process and combating oxidative stress are other reasons why I am so on board with this.

So should you be using? Its up to you. For some its controversial but I truly believe that it will only become more widely used as time goes by.

Using it is simple.

Buy some extract and add it to your smoothies, tea, tonics, soups or waters. Its that simple!

Feel the chill and the zen :)


***And disclaimer: I am not by any means supporting the use of the federal schedule-1 classified illegal drug Marijuana. In case any of you were confused. If you are Medical Maraijuana Card Holder then obviously follower your doctors orders. And if you are in Oregon or any other state where weed is legal then do your thing. and just saying incase you are a huge anti- weed person, it will be legal for recreational use, meaning completely DE-CRIMINALIZED early 2018 in the state of California.



I'm a certified health coach and I help people heal their relationship with food and their bodies. I am also the host of the Love Your Bod Pod, 

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